
Press release

Preliminary opinion on the European Commission’s upcoming Track Access Charging Guidelines

The members of the Independent Regulators’ Group - Rail today have approved a preliminary opinion on the European Commission’s upcoming Track Access Charging Guidelines. The preliminary opinion is published here.

The European Commission informed the market about its intention to issue guidelines for track access charges at a meeting of the „Single European Railway Area Forum” (SERAF) on 04.05.2023. In response, IRG-Rail members have developed a common understanding of the European Commission’s intentions. The guidelines aim at better interpreting the current charging rules and focus especially on promoting cross border railway services under equal, fair and non-discriminatory conditions.

The IRG-Rail Chairs, Annegret Groebel and Karsten Otte, welcome the possibility to support the European Commission’s work on the guidelines. IRG-Rail is committed to continue its support for the drafting of the Charging Guidelines in the coming months until their completion.


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